Photo by Olivia Anne Snyder on Unsplash

The easiest meditation you can do anywhere

Christopher Spriggs


One thing, one thing only

Over the years I’ve sat in hundreds of group meditations. Some had mantras, others had silence. Some had teachers, others were self-led. We breathed, counted, scanned. Some of it was useful. Some of it less so.

But a person’s favourite meditation is usually going to be the easiest one because it’s the one they are more likely to do, more often.

The easiest meditation I know is “Just sitting”. And it’s the one which helps me find my equilibrium the quickest.

I love how the instructions are included in the title. There are no spicy ingredients, it is an invitation to… just… sit.

Yes, you breathe. That helps. But the act of just sitting means other processes happen by themselves.

  • Ears attune to the environment.
  • Eyes notice subtle colour and shade.
  • The body eases.
  • Breath slows, by itself.
  • Brain waves shift down gears from beta to alpha to theta, like the calming of the sea.

Just sitting.

You can do it at home, on the bus, in a café. On your own or surrounded by others.

It’s not “just sitting and thinking.” It’s not “just sitting and scrolling on your phone”. It is just sitting. There is discipline, restraint, focus.

Nothing magic.

Just sitting.

